Surf Bodies: How to Approach Your Workouts
Developing a surf body is a lot more work than it seems. It’s about finding your personal peak in terms of physique, but you won’t be able to sustain it without the proper mindset.
Even if you’ve never surfed and caught a wave, you probably know that there is more to surfing than what meets the eye. Most surfers, regardless if they are pro athletes or beginners, will tell you that surfing is a way of life, a lifestyle that comes with its own code and wellbeing.
The ocean’s wisdom is infinite, and once you tap into its prowess there is no going back. Many professional surfers are drawn to the holistic experience of surfing. There is a very strong spiritual side that goes along with developing a body that can withstand the toll that the surf takes on you.
While we’ve done guides on surf fitness before and exercise guides for practicing pop ups, here, we’ll focus on what goes on behind the curtain and the attitude you have to adopt. We’ll mention a few new exercises as well, but we’ll focus on the fact that developing a surf body is more than just getting in shape. Let’s get into it.
Be Mindful
It’s not just about feats; it’s about understanding as well. It’s about embracing the call for freedom and turning your life around.
The fact that surfing requires riders to perform super complicated and taxing body tasks and remain zen throughout is such a powerful thing to witness that it borders on a religious experience.
The way a surfer prepares mentally is just as important as the exercises they do in order to warm up their body. The exercises they do in order to keep fit and build strength are just as important as their diet and nutrient intake.
There will be times when you’ll feel overwhelmed and think that you simply don’t have it in you, but if you have the right structure, the right attitude, and your final goal in mind at all times, you’ll get there.
Find the Right Approach
The ultimate goal at hand, of course, is to develop the best possible surf body that will be efficient and that won’t give out on you. It’s not always about how much or how long you work out—it often comes down to how you go about your workouts.
Keep in mind that there is no one-size-fits-all here. Everybody will require a different set of exercises and a different regime altogether in order to get to their goals. What we’re trying to point out here is that you shouldn’t compare regimes. Find the one that works for you. It’s a matter of preference more than a set-in-stone form.
That being said, there are things that most riders will find beneficial, no matter if they are looking to put on some weight or develop stamina, and those things are good habits—those are universal and build the right approach.
Develop Good Habits
Everything about surfing is connected at the seams, and there is no way that you can master it once and for all.
Let’s take paddling, for instance; in order to paddle properly, riders need to be in shape so that they don’t get the wind kicked out of them. They need to have upper body control, strength, and endurance. After all, 90% of surfing is actually paddling.
This means that you will need to develop good workout habits and not view workouts as chores, doing them every now and again. We’re all chomping at the bit to get on our boards and surf every chance we get, but working out is just as important. Depending on the stage of surfing you’re in, it might be even more so.
Well, what if you’re just not a gym rat but are incredibly passionate about surfing and truly want to excel? What can you do other than taking care of your mental and shifting your perspective? There is that one thing; the perfect workout that will keep you in shape and keep you from losing the surf splendor. Have you heard of body surfing?
Body Surfing and Why It’s Important
We are by no means reinventing the wheel here. What we’re trying to get across is something that body surfers have long understood: even though body surfing may not be your cup of tea, it is and always will be the purest form of surfing.
A lot of pro-level surfers have actually gone back to body surfing in order to reconnect with the ocean and experience the surf anew. And if that isn’t enough in itself, there is also the fact that body surfing is the most taxing form of surfing when it comes to the physique, making it the most well-rounded exercise you can perform to strengthen your body for surfing on all fronts.
How to Body Surf: Things to Consider
Even if you have a ton of experience in surfboard surfing, you will still need some time to adjust to body surfing. Everything that you have learned through the years will not serve you here. It’s time for a completely new approach. One that will make you an even better all-around surfer.
As you can imagine, a great location for a surfboard surf is not necessarily a great location for body surfing because the body will react quite differently than a board. The first thing that you should be on the lookout for are the shallow gradients. Shallow gradient terrain is ideal for body surfers because it means that there won’t be any large-scale waves coming your way.
Start small and build from there. The best depth to start at is about waist deep. That might seem a bit overly cautious, especially if you are used to surfing big waves, but keep in mind that you are basically starting from scratch here.
Once the incoming wave is at arm’s length, make a turn and extend your leading hand into the wave. The trick to body surfing is letting go. Our instincts are programmed to go against the wave and try to retain control over our body functions. In this case, you want to do the exact opposite. This might be a bit difficult to pull off at first, but you’ll be getting a full-body workout for the ages.
If you’d like to learn how to body surf in more detail, we have just the guide for you. Now, let’s get into some actual exercises.
Surfing Exercises
We talked about the holistic approach to surfing at length here, which is relatively in line with our OMBE method that does encapsulate everything you need to know. Having said that, the “whole” is the sum of many parts, and one of those parts is general exercises.
Let’s take a look at some of them that you will probably find helpful along the way. Remember that you should consult with a professional trainer if you have had any prior injuries or have a disability of any kind.
Developing a solid foundation and platform that you can later build on is the most important thing when setting out to build your perfect surf body.
Prisoner Jump Squats
These exercises will focus on your explosiveness and leg strength. As a surfer, you will want your pop ups to be top-notch if you’re to catch any waves, and jump squats will help you greatly in that regard.
The key here is alignment. Focus on how your knees alight to your hips and how your hips align with your ankles. Whatever you do, don't get into the habit of overly bending your knees. Yes, it might seem like it’s going to make your life easier in the beginning, but it will only be to your detriment down the road.
Reverse Lunge
This is the perfect exercise for those that are looking to develop their overall balance and stability.
By pushing off with your front leg, you will go from a motion of balance to a motion of complete limbo, where your muscles will have to take over before you arrive in a standing stance.
While it might seem that this exercise targets the legs exclusively, there is a lot in it for the core as well. You will develop a stronger core and retain all of your mobility and flexibility—everybody wins.
Dumbbell Chop With Step
Your rotations are some of the most important movements while you are out on the ocean. In order to perfect them, you have to develop a strong body response to turns and twists.
One of the best exercises that tackle this is the dumbbell chop. The point is to go through a series of turns while keeping your core intact and retaining your balance.
Start by taking the dumbbell into your hands—underhand and overhead grip with each arm. Rotate with your chest facing downward and bend your knees. From here, rotate your hips externally. Plant your heel on the ground before you are done with the rotation for better balance.
Forward Ball Roll Out
This is one of the best complete core exercises of them all. Be mindful not to let the movements of the ball move your spine as well. In order to reap the benefits of this exercise, you will need to keep your spine neutral at all times.
Kneel down with your elbows resting on the ball and push the ball forward. This will engage your core. Be mindful not to push the ball too far because you won’t be able to recover to your starting position.
In Closing…
If you do follow through on our suggestions, once you get the body surfing basics down, you will want to adjust your workouts accordingly and pick up some swim fins that will give you an extra layer of support and keep you on the level. During the past decade, body surfing has become more and more prominent as more and more surfers have tried to push the limits of what our bodies are capable of on their own.
That serves as a testament to the fact that your workouts can be multi-faceted. There’s a great many things to be mindful of and many approaches you can take. Even if you’re not partial to working out, there are different ways to approach it and put yourself in the position to grow as a surfer.